The process of Ayb School Alumni Club formation is officially launched under the guidance of Ayb School 2004 graduate and mentor, Ayb School Board of Trustees member Aris Berberyan. The mission of the Alumni Club is to pass values and experience over to the coming generations, serve as an example for the younger students and unite all Ayb School graduates in one club, thus consolidating the Ayb community. The first step was to bring all generations under one roof and re-establish ties.
Ayb School can already boast 8 wonderful generations and about 370 graduates, who started a new life. Some of them are now university graduates, some are sought-after specialists, some are still in their university years and get ready for a big professional journey.
Ayb graduates know how important the community is. 8 generations were happy to study at Ayb School and it’s high time to gather all graduates under one roof. Keeping up with Ayb traditions, the 2012-2014 graduates came to see each other and strengthen community ties.
However, the most important objective of the gathering was the discussion on formation of the Ayb Alumni Club. Ayb School graduate, now member of the Board of Trustees, Aris Berberyan, presented the process of formation and the next steps to be taken. The graduates were happy to find out that they can immediately become club members. Currently, the club has 60 members from different Ayb generations.
Overwhelmed with positive emotions, the meeting participants made pizza and magical Ayb pendants together.
Goharik Adamyan, 2020 graduate, 8th generation