Generation Unlimited: VR Lab team to participate in U.S. competition

Generation Unlimited from the Ayb School: VR Lab team has won the second round of the competition. The Word by Word team that includes Ayb School graduate Mariam Ghazaryan also made it to the second round. Both teams will head for the United States to compete for the $20,000 prize and take part in the incubator of ideas program.

In Armenia, the competition was spearheaded by UNICEF and UN Development Programme and joined by the Ayb Educational Foundation and UWC Dilijan College.

Ayb students created innovative VR glasses equipped with a chemistry training program, which helps students from Yerevan and rural schools carry out accurate experiments even when appropriate materials and equipment are unavailable.

Word byr Word team presented a development project aimed to help acoustically challenged children. The project bases on the use of musical instrument and special sound tools and toys used in surdopedagogy. At the beginning, it teaches to perceive sounds that will help the kids benefit from the hearing kit more effectively and understand human speech. The project first of all seeks to assist children from socially vulnerable families.

Generation Unlimited is a global multi-sector partnership to meet the urgent need for expanded education, training and employment opportunities for young people, aged 10 to 24, on an unprecedented scale.


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